Restaurant le Chou'Heim

The Chou'Heim Auberge was once a tithe farm. It is said that one tenth of the harvest stored there was sent to the lord of the Castle which was located in the center of Krautergersheim at that time. This building was transformed into a restaurant in the 1990's and became one of the high places of the Alsatian traditional gastronomy.
Nowadays, you can taste there some traditional dishes such as the famous royal sauerkraut, but also tartes flambées or even novelties such as the Alsatian hamburger with Munster cheese!
It is the ideal place for your family, business or group meals!
More information
Style of accommodation
Traditional half-timbered Alsatian house
Number of table settings per room/terrace
- Total number of covers in the dining room : 180
- terrace 1: : 60
In the town/village centre
Altitude (m) : 155
Disabled access
Animals accepted
- Yes
Restaurant facilities
Size of group
- Maxi : 180
- Mini : 10
Open during the 2024 / 2025 Christmas season
- 24 December at noon
- 24 December evening
- 25 December at noon
- 25 December evening
- 26 December at noon
- 26 December evening
- 31 December at noon
- 31 December evening
- Organization of an evening dance on 31/12
- 1 January at noon
- 1 January evening
Opening hours : TLJ midi et soir
Distance (km) à la gare la plus proche : 7
Nom de la gare la plus proche
Lunch times
- from : 11h30
- Until : 14h
Dinner times
- from : 18h
- Until : 20h30
Price lists
- Menu Rates in € - from 6,80 to 27 €
Discounted rates
Special offers : Mars, Novembre, Janvier