Musée du Pays de Hanau
Temporarily housed on the first floor in the Chateau former coach house (1702), the Museum depicts the everyday life of small farmers and middle class families in the 18th and 19th centuries. You will enjoy the polychrome cupboards, the traditional costumes and the furniture which belonged to Marie Hart, the famous Alsatian-speaking 19th century author.
More information
Package visits offered
- Free visit
- Visit with guide tool
- Visit with educational sheets/pack
- Guided tour for groups with reservation
- Teaching room
Parking for vehicles
- Free parking for cars
- Coach parking
In the town/village centre
Altitude (m) : 394
Disabled access
- Air conditioned site
- Toilets
Animals accepted
Bicyclefacilities / services
Tools on hand (foot pump, patches, tire levers, wrenches and wrenches)
Facilities for children
Activities for children
Leisure facilities for children
Games room
Practical services
- Group reception
- Shops /Sale of goods
- Picnic room
Languages spoken
Weekly closing on
- Monday
- Tuesday
Opening hours : October 1 - June 30: Tuesday through Sunday 2 -5 pm. July 1 - September 30: everyday except Monday: 2 - 6 pm. Saturday: 2 - 5 pm. Closed in January. Guided tours by request.
- By bus
- On a route that is accessible by bus
Length of visit/event
1h30 min
Distance (km) à la gare la plus proche : 5,5
Nom de la gare la plus proche
Price lists
Discounted rates
- Free for children (age limit) : -16 ans
- Fixed price package for families (minimum number of people) : 5
- Group (minimum number of people) : 15
- Other special offers : Museums-PASS-Musées, carte Cezam, demandeur d'emploi, personnes handicapées, enseignants
Prices (events, products, etc.) : 7€/réduit 4.50€