Convent of the congregation of the Sisters of the Very Holy Saver
Niederbronn les Bains
The congregation of the Sisters of the Very Holy Saver is founded in 1849 by Elisabeth Eppinger (1814-1867) native of Niederbronn-les-Bains. At the end of the year 1852, the congregation comprises 153 Sisters and about thirty establishment. In 1857 the formation house will be moved to Oberbronn in the old castle of the counts de Strahlenheim. In 1880 it will be the Motherhouse. Today the convent of Niederbronn-les-Bains is a retirement home.
The native house of Elisabeth Eppinger is visible "rue du Général de Gaulle".
More information
Package visits offered
- Free visit
- Guided tour for groups with reservation
Parking for vehicles
- Free parking for cars
- Coach parking
In the town/village centre
Altitude (m) : 192
Audience concerned
- Adults (individuals)
- Couple
- Families
- Groups
- Groups of children
- Schools
Animals accepted
- Yes
Nearby leisure facilities
On a cycle route (less than 5 km)
Languages spoken
Opening hours : All year
Length of visit/event
15 min
Distance (km) à la gare la plus proche : 0,7
Nom de la gare la plus proche