Hiking in the shadow of Mont Sainte-Odile
The most important spiritual destination in Alsace, Mont Saint-Odile is famous for its monastery established in the 7th century by St Odile.
To this day, thousands of religious and secular visitors flock to this mystical, mysterious place, which still harbours many secrets to be uncovered.
Hiking tour taken from the “Topo-Guide Randonnée” guidebook (10 tours) for sale at the Obernai Tourist Office. Only in french.
More information
Parking for vehicles
Free parking for cars
Level of difficulty
Equipment required
- Mosquito repellent
- Walking shoes
- Warm clothes
- Wet weather clothing
Venue of the event : Parkplace Altau
Length of visit/event
Distance (km) à la gare la plus proche : 3
Nom de la gare la plus proche
Obernai - 3 km