50th Sauerkraut Festival-Sürkrütfecht
Saturday evening from 7pm, with live music under the big top. Paying sauerkraut meal.
The following Sunday, after a mass dedicated to the harvest, the village transforms itself into a market with local artisans. There will be craft exhibitions, cabbage-cutting demonstrations, a seasonal market and musical entertainment. Enjoy a sauerkraut lunch or dinner under the big top.
At 3:30 pm, a colorful procession of cabbages, bearing the symbols of the Alsace region. After the procession, folk groups perform again in many village establishments and under the big top.
Folk and dance entertainment, and a musical atmosphere throughout the day.
Information on 03 88 95 78 78.
Horaire(s) d'ouverture
27/09/2025Saturday from 19:00 to28/09/2025Sunday from 09:00 to
More information
Altitude (m) : 152
Audience concerned
- Adults (individuals)
- Families
Organised by : Mairie de Krautergersheim and ALAK
Horaire(s) d'ouverture
27/09/2025Saturday from 19:00 to28/09/2025Sunday from 09:00 to
Venue of the event : Place des Fêtes under a big top and in the heart of the village
Opening hours : Saturday from 7 pm - Sunday all day
Marketing method
By bus
Distance (km) à la gare la plus proche : 7
Nom de la gare la plus proche
Price lists
Prices (events, products, etc.) : Free access to the village, paid meal on reservation